Plastic slip sheets are recommended when excess moisture comes in contact with the slip sheet. Examples of where plastic slip sheets are necessary would be when product is stored out doors or in cases where the shipping docks are hosed down regularly.The sheets are extruded from high density polyethylene. They are black in color and have a friction embossing on one side of the sheet to prevent product from shifting off of the slip sheet. They are more durable than fiber slip sheets and can be washed off and reused. They are also more expensive than solid fiber slip sheets.The plastic slip sheet is made of a combination of polyethylene materials. This type of material allows for greater non-tear strength and an increased number of uses in cold and humid environments. The only disadvantage to the plastic slip sheet is the high cost. Yet, its advantages include longer sheet life, durable lips, ability to be stored in cold or humid environments, and can be handled by a roller conveyor, slip sheet lift truck, AGV, or powered unit load transportation devices.
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