PET strapping band is suitable for strapping medium heavy and heavy goods and pallets. PET stands for Poly Ethylene Terephthalate. This is a thermoplastic polyester, a plastic product which, for example, also makes soft drinks bottles. Pet strap is made from recycled material and can easily be recycled again with plastic waste. It is so strong that it can in most cases be used as an alternative to steel strapping without compromising the quality of pallet stabilization. The big advantage, however, is that it is much lighter in weight and easier and safer to process. PET belt can withstand temperatures up to 60 ° C, it does not oxidize, is not sensitive to UV light and has a high elongation ability. The final tensile strength of PET tape is determined by the thickness and width of the chosen belt. We are happy to help you make the right choice in PET or perhaps one of our other strapping types.